foot surgery

There are 26 bones in the feet, along with hundreds of muscles, ligaments and tendons that work in tandem to allow movement and motion. Various external forces, medical conditions, genetic predispositions, trauma, or ill-fitting footwear can impede functionality and cause damage or deformities to occur in the feet and ankles. Reconstructive surgery is sometimes necessary to fix this damage, correct deformities, remove pain and restore health, appearance and functionality to your feet and ankles.

Typical Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgical Procedures

Our podiatric surgeons at Comprehensive Foot and Ankle Center of Collegeville are caring, board certified, highly experienced, and experts at podiatric surgery and research. They perform many procedures inoffice, and are also affiliated with the region’s finest hospitals. They have extensive experience with many types of foot and ankle reconstructive surgery:

  • Foot deformity correction for bunions, hammertoes, and conditions related to severe flat feet and arthritis
  • Sports related injuries such as fractures, bone realignments, ligament or tendon tears
  • Ankle joint restoration, or Replacement with prosthetics
  • Joint fusion (arthrodesis) to stabilize bones and heal pain
  • Arthroscopic Surgery minimally invasive procedure in an outpatient setting

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